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Wayne Philip Gauvin

We don’t test just about anyone. We train them enough until they are ready to teach the art to the next generation. And being good, skillful, talented, or perfect is not a requirement. Our goal has always been about preserving the De Campo of Jose Caballero. If you learn how to teach this FMA then you can qualify to become a Magtutudlo (Instructor). You don’t have to be athletic nor be a fighter to become an instructor but you could be one or train one after you learn how to teach De Campo. The curriculum we have is really very easy to learn but you need to put a lot of time and effort to truly understand and teach it to others.
In 2021, Sir Wayne started his trainining in De Campo. He was at that time still moving the way he was taught in his other FMA while doing De Campo. De Campo like any other FMA out there has so many similarities (generic movements) with other FMA. What makes a movement unique to an FMA is the understanding of how its executed using principles and concepts only seen in that FMA. Some of these principles might overlap with other FMA but to a trained eskrimador, there are so many subtle differences.
After a year of training, Sir Wayne understood the mechanics behind De Campo and when you see him move, it is obvious that he is not just mimicking the way we move but truly moves the way De Campo should be. He understood how and why the movements are carried out that way. This is also the reason why we require all our instructor candidates to provide a free flow ensayo so we can see if they can truly move the De Campo way. We will know if they are just dancing or simulating a fight.
Sir Wayne was tested last July 30, 2022. He explained all the techniques and demonstrated how they were done in the presence of fellow students and a panel of instructors including Master Jomalin Caballero. He explained and demonstrated the nuances of Elementary, High School, and College and was graded accordingly.

He is now given the title of MAGTUTUDLO.

As a bona fide De Campo 1-2-3 Original practitioner, may he emulate the ideals of the founder as a responsible and discerning teacher, hold this lineage in high regard, and commit to the propagation, preservation, and refinement of this Filipino Martial Art for future generations to come.

He is qualified to teach the full De Campo curriculum as outlined below and is authorized to promote students up to Level VII Hanas.


Primary Lessons
Group 1 Abecedario
Group 2 De Alfavito
Group 3 Horizontal
Group 4 Serrada
Group 5 Abierta

Elementary Lessons
Group 6 De Campo Original
Group 7 Redondo y Redonda De Campo Original

Primary + Elementary


High School Lessons
Group 8 Dos Manos Dos Largos
Group 9 De Cadena De Cuerdas
Group 10 Hagad Hubad Original

Elementary + High School


College Combinations

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