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Ludwig Van Ditten


De Campo 123 Original is a martial art that has been passed down for generations, and its practitioners take pride in preserving its techniques and principles. Sir Ludwig van Ditten is one of the latest practitioners who have earned their certification in De Campo. His journey in this martial art is a testament to the dedication, hard work, and passion that it takes to become a Magtutudlo.

Training in De Campo 123 Original:

Sir Ludwig van Ditten began his journey in De Campo 123 Original in September 2021. He signed up for an online course at decampo123.org/learn123 and has been training consistently ever since. He participated in weekly training sessions with Maestro and joined group Zoom sessions with fellow practitioners. He also trained with Master Jomalin during his Saturday sessions.

The Certification Process:

De Campo 123 Original has a detailed process for certification, which can be found at decampo123.org/certification. Candidates for certification must undergo rigorous training and must have a deep understanding of the core and deeper concepts of the art. Certification is not just about ranks, but about being able to teach and spread the art.

Sir Ludwig’s Certification:

After a year of consistent training and dedication, Sir Ludwig van Ditten was ready to take the certification exam. On November 21, 2022, he joined other certified Magtutudlos and fellow practitioners of De Campo in the testing process. He demonstrated his knowledge, skills, and understanding of the art and passed the exam with flying colors.

Moving Forward:

Sir Ludwig’s certification is a significant achievement, and he is now ready to represent De Campo in his country, the Netherlands. He plans to continue his training while building his own De Campo group. He is determined to spread the art and preserve its techniques and principles for future generations.


Sir Ludwig van Ditten’s journey to becoming a certified Magtutudlo in De Campo 123 Original is a testament to his dedication, hard work, and passion for the art. His success is not just a personal achievement, but a contribution to the preservation and promotion of this martial art. We congratulate him on his achievement and wish him all the best in his future endeavors as a Magtutudlo.

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