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User Registration

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Category: Magtutudlo

Zhong Hounan

Zhong Hounan

Hollan: The First Certified De Campo Instructor in China We are thrilled to announce that Hollan (Zhong Hounan) has successfully passed the De Campo Examination

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Magtutudlo Mike Hall

Mike Hall

Michael Hall’s martial arts journey began when he was introduced to the arts at a young age. He dedicated himself to the practice and went

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Magtutudlo Ludwig Van Ditten

Ludwig Van Ditten

Introduction: De Campo 123 Original is a martial art that has been passed down for generations, and its practitioners take pride in preserving its techniques

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Magtutudlo William Shin Duguil

William Shin Duguil

Sir William Shin Duguil was tested for Magtutudlo last November 5, 2022. He has been training in De Campo for over 2 years (since 2020)

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Magtutudlo Carl Jackson

Carl Jackson

Sir Carl started his De Campo journey in December of 2020. He signed up to our online course and trained solo for 4 months. Then

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Magtutudlo Wayne Philip Gauvin

Wayne Philip Gauvin

We don’t test just about anyone. We train them enough until they are ready to teach the art to the next generation. And being good,

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Magtutudlo Philipp Wolf

Philipp Wolf

Sir Philipp has been training in De Campo since 1st quarter of 2021 and has shown significant progress in terms of understanding, executing, and applying

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Joel Huncar of Canada

Joel Huncar

Sir Joel Huncar has been training in De Campo since 2019 and started his journey with Magtutudlo Louie Lindo. He has been consistent in his

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Gustave Eugene Hornsby

Gustave Hornsby

Gustave Eugene Hornsby is a certified instructor under GM Mawe Caballero and has been to Toledo several times. He also trained under Master Jomalin Caballero.

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Octavian Avram

Octavian Vasile Avram has successfully completed and passed the Elementary, High School, and College levels in De Campo 1-2-3 Original as formulated by our founder, Grandmaster

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