Philipp Wolf

Sir Philipp Wolf’s journey in De Campo 1-2-3 Original began in early 2021, and in less than a year, his dedication, focus, and understanding of the art have been remarkable. Having come from an extensive background in Filipino Martial Arts (FMA), Sir Philipp approached De Campo with humility and a learner’s mindset, which allowed him to rapidly grasp the intricate principles and concepts of the system. His ability to absorb, execute, and apply De Campo techniques has set him apart as a practitioner.

On December 18, 2021, Sir Philipp was tested for the title of Magtutudlo in front of fellow eskrimadors, instructors, guests, and Master Jomalin Caballero. This testing was not merely a demonstration of technique; it was a testament to the months of rigorous training and refinement Sir Philipp underwent, largely under the guidance of Maestro Paolo Pagaling. The strict certification process ensures that only those who are fully prepared and capable of teaching the next generation of De Campo practitioners are given the honor of Magtutudlo.

Despite his deep martial arts experience, Sir Philipp’s openness and willingness to learn from scratch made the transfer of knowledge seamless. His humility, paired with his determination, was instrumental in his success. He now holds the title of Magtutudlo, an acknowledgment of his mastery of the system’s core principles and his readiness to teach and guide others.

As a certified Magtutudlo, Sir Philipp is qualified to teach the full De Campo curriculum and promote students up to Level VII Hanas. His journey serves as a reminder that no matter how experienced a martial artist may be, true mastery comes from the willingness to continue learning and refining.

We are proud to have Sir Philipp as a part of the De Campo community, and we are confident that he will carry on the legacy of Jose Caballero with integrity and skill.

Congratulations, Magtutudlo Philipp Wolf. Your journey is an inspiration, and we look forward to seeing you lead future generations in the art of De Campo.


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