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Is Age A Barrier to Learning De Campo Filipino Martial Arts?

Many people wonder if age poses a limitation for starting a dynamic martial art like De Campo. The truth is, Filipino martial arts (FMA) like De Campo welcome practitioners of all ages!

While other arts emphasize fitness and flexibility that can become more challenging as we age, FMA focuses on weapons-based techniques that is gentler on the body and caters to individuals seeking an effective self-defense system that is gentler on the body.

Stick and blade training forms the foundation of FMA, using simple tools we encounter every day. This practical approach helps students see real-world applications immediately, maintaining motivation over the long-term.

In De Campo, we train to use “weapons of opportunity” like bottles, umbrellas, or even your smartphone in self-defense. This teaches you to view ordinary objects as extensions of your skills, boosting confidence at any age.

Our online course at decampo123.org/learn123 offers step-by-step video instruction that allows you to train at your own pace, minimizing the impact on joints and muscles. The current price makes it affordable to try while maintaining our usual high standards of technical accuracy.

FMA emphasizes adaptive, scenario-based fighting principles that become increasingly important as one ages. Self-defense is a life skill worth acquiring, and the conceptual foundations you learn through stick and knife training will serve you for decades.

Even beginners in their 60s, 70s and beyond find joy and confidence in FMA. Age should not inhibit your desire to learn effective self-defense that fits your needs and abilities.

Embrace the journey – you’re definitely not too old for De Campo! Visit the Learn123 course today to learn more.

With the De Campo Online Training, you can learn at your own pace – Videos allow you to replay, pause and review lessons until you’re comfortable proceeding. You set the schedule that works for your life. Learning on your own also cultivates habits of self-motivation, patience, and problem-solving that enhance your training.

Accessibility and affordability is not a problem since there’s no need to travel to the Philippines or worry about class schedules. You just need an internet connection and some space to practice the moves. The cost of online courses is significantly lower vs the expenses of regular classes, memberships and equipment. You have lifetime access to all videos so can review and improve your technique any time, not just during scheduled classes.

And when you sign up to all of them (full De Campo curriculum), you’ll also receive exclusive access to our Facebook group where we now have a community of passionate martial arts enthusiasts who are dedicated to helping each other grow and learn in De Campo.

Our Facebook group is a treasure trove of De Campo knowledge, with all our courses conveniently uploaded for easy accessibility and navigation. Plus, you’ll get access to exclusive video lessons that we upload a few times a month. We’re constantly updating the group with content that hopes to help you master De Campo faster.

As a member of our community, you’ll also be invited to join our weekly group Zoom sessions – for free, forever. This is an incredible opportunity to connect with other martial artists, gain valuable insights, and take your skills to the next level.

At De Campo, we believe that having a support group is essential for success in martial arts. That’s why we’re committed to providing our members with the tools, resources, and community they need to achieve their goals. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re an experienced martial artist, our courses and community are designed to help you reach your full potential.

This art transforms your life once you seize this chance to start, regardless of where you are on your life path.

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